Archives for June 2018

Reading a lot on the phone increases up to nine unwanted eye symptoms

The current habit of being “hooked” to our phones continuously can cause eye discomfort. Reading on these small backlit screens affects our view differently than reading printed paper. To discover how this new habit affects, so widespread in the whole population, the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) has carried out a detailed study that has recently been published.

Leer mucho en el teléfono aumenta hasta nueve síntomas oculares no deseados

The study analyzes the eye health effects of prolonged reading on these electronic devices compared to paper and whether the level of these symptoms changes if read in the dark.


Protect your Wi-Fi network with MAC filtering

MAC filtering is a tool available on most Wi-Fi routers to limit the use of our network to unwanted computers and thus increase the security of our personal, family or business network.

Protege tu red Wifi con el filtrado MAC

If we want to strengthen the security of our network, whether or not we suspect that someone is connecting without our permission, in addition to the main protection measure that would be changing the access password for a different and more complicated one, we can set another type of limitation through this tool from our router.